Martina Pace

COO, Partner

Prior to joining PeakBridge as COO, Martina Pace co-established the Technology Transfer Office and business incubator at The University of Malta, focusing on commercializing a range of technologies and managing intellectual property. Her background also includes the Malta Council for Science and Technology, vetting research and innovation projects, and time at Procter & Gamble as a product engineer. She holds a master’s degree in chemical engineering and a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship.

What’s your guilty food pleasure?

Definitely 78% dark Lindt chocolate! I try to abide by an 80/20 rule, whereby our family eats clean, plant-based, whole foods most of the time. If you looked into our pantry, my kids don’t have many sweets or treats – but dark chocolate is something we all enjoy. The best time to enjoy it? In the evenings, while relaxing.

What is your biggest takeaway from past career experience?

Prior to Peakbridge, I worked at the TTO for the University of Malta for 7 years. It was the early days of the department, so I was involved in setting up the TTO and business incubator, defining IP policies and initiating training programs. I gained incredible exposure to a range of new technologies and was able to work closely with academics. The freedom and quick learning pace were very exciting. My biggest takeaway was the need to differentiate good technology solutions from commercial viability. The two don’t always go hand-in-hand.

What’s something people outside of Peakbridge wouldn’t know about working there?

Many firms boast that they’re all about the people, but at Peakbridge that really is the case. It feels like a family, where honesty and transparency are valued. Our founders are both family men who take these relationships seriously. This has allowed my two careers – being a mother and the COO of Peakbridge – to coexist.